NJ Dining: Teaneck Farmer's Market / Felafel at Pizza Cave

Thursdays is Farmer’s Market day in Teaneck. This is both a great opportunity to get some seriously primo produce, Amish baked goods and vegetables, cheese, plus other yummy stuff, and to go visit Pizza Cave in the same shopping plaza and grab a felafel sandwich for lunch.

Pizza Cave
439 Cedar LN, Teaneck, NJ
(201) 836-1700

Pizza Cave is a Kosher Dairy pizzeria. Therefore all the pizzas are (lacto-ovo) vegetarian , meaning you can get fish and egg items as well (because under the laws of Kashrut, Fish and Eggs are classified as “pareve” or neutral). In addition to Kosher pizza, you can also get some interesting Israeli-style items such as Burekas and different types of Knishes.

Pizza Cave is also one of the few Kosher restaurants in the North Jersey area that has a real, authentic Israeli-style felafel bar where you ‘stuff your own. This is just a small sampling of the salad toppings they have. I like to put Turkish Eggplant Salad, Israeli Salad, Hummus, Hot Sauce and pickles on mine.

I like the felafel balls here because they’ve got a good amount of cumin spicing and the texture is accurate to what you’ll find in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Make sure you get yourselves a Bosco chocolate soda from the soda dispensing machine. It’s totally old-school New York / Brooklyn.

Teaneck Farmers Market
Cedar Lane Municipal Parking Lot

At Garrison Ave./Beverly Rd.
Teaneck, NJ 07666
Contact: Margaret Akar
(201) 836-3151/(201) 907-0493

Thursday, 12:00 noon- 6:00 p.m.

Directly behind Pizza Cave is the municipal parking lot where the Farmer’s Market is held.

Jersey tomatoes. Accept no substitutions.

Jersey-grown peaches and Blueberries.

The lettuce and produce you see here and in the next three photos are all organic from Old Hook Farm. The leaf veggies here are absolutely pristine.



We got Amish!





Amish Jams and Jellies

This cauliflower that I bought is as big as my head.


Lancaster County Blueberries

Amish butter. You just know I bought some of this.

Picklelicious is a local business based in Teaneck. They got some seriously good stuff.

These are horseradish pickles that are so hot, they’ll cauterize your nasal cavity.

This is the new cheese vendor. Clearly, she’s not Amish.

6 Responses to NJ Dining: Teaneck Farmer's Market / Felafel at Pizza Cave

  1. Robyn says:

    Thanks for the heads up about the Teaneck market! I’m annoyed that I can’t go to it (or the Englewood one) since I work on those days, but maybe I can force my mum to pick up Mennonite butter for me. :) And some veggies. …To cook in the butter.

  2. shirazi says:

    Your top post is excellent but I vote for this to be the best; very best.

  3. […] Next to pecan pie, the dessert which screams “The South” for me is cobbler, peach cobbler in particular. I managed to pick up some really nice peaches from the Teaneck Farmers Market on Thursday, and they were so ripe that they all needed to be eaten, right away. I was originally going to make them into peach ice cream, but Rachel got the idea of turning them into cobbler, after remembering the wonderful one we had at Varmint’s Second Occasional Pig Pickin’ back in September of 2005. […]

  4. Al says:

    I am trying to find some Amish Butter, can you help?


  5. […] in to the local supermarkets and produce stores, and reaches its peak in July and August when the farmers markets are in full swing and my own garden grown Jersey tomatoes start coming in. August is when my own […]

  6. Michelle says:

    I am looking for Amish roll butter and can’t seem to find it. Where can I get it?

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