Kosher for Passover Coke: It’s the Real Thing Baby

It’s that time of the year again folks — Passover season approaches, and with that comes the annual stocking of the KFP Coca-Cola, the “Real Thing”. I’ve resurrected and updated this post from last year so you can get the jump on it early. Both Coca-Cola of New York and Chicago have just started their production runs, so be vigilant!

– Jason

(Originally posted on March 25, 2006)

In April of 1985, the Coca-Cola company announced that it was re-formulating its flagship carbonated drink, which to the horror of Coke fans everywhere, included a switchover to high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Soon, the rest of the soft drink industry followed suit, and the classic taste of cane sugar-based sodas became practically extinct. Today, only a few small boutique soft drink companies still make sodas with refined cane sugar (or sucrose, made from sugar beets) a costly ingredient when compared with HFCS — but true carbonated beverage connoisseurs know and can tell the difference, as corn syrup has a characteristically cloying sweetness when compared to refined sugar. For nostalgic Coca-Cola lovers, unless you live in a foreign country that classic taste is but a distant memory.

Every late March and early April, for the two to three weeks leading up to the celebration of the Jewish Passover holiday season in the United States, Coke fans living in major metropolitan areas with large Jewish populations get their Real Thing, if only for that brief fleeting period. According to Jewish law, nothing made with chametz (any of a number of proscribed cereals and grains, including corn) during passover may be consumed — so in order not to lose sales from observant Jews during that eight day period, a small number of Coca-Cola bottlers make a limited batch of the original Coke formulation, using refined sugar. Needless to say, stocks run out quickly and fans of Passover Coke have been known to travel many miles seeking out supermarkets with remaining caches.



Passover Coke products (and Passover Pepsi) in 2-Liter bottles can be distinguished by their yellow caps, inscribed either with just the “OU-P” symbol and/or the words Kosher L’Pesach in Hebrew. The canned variety is rare and is known to be produced only by a scant few bottling companies in the United States — if you can find any, be sure to snap it up.

Here’s the official word from the OU Passover Web Site for 2009:

Coca Cola will again be available with an OU-P for Pesach. Aside from the New York metropolitan area, Coke will be available in Boston, Baltimore-Washington, Miami, Atlanta, Houston, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles. This year, in New York, Coca Cola items will be made with an OU-P in 2 liter bottles and in cans. Other locations will have more limited Coke items made in different sizes. All these items, of course, require the OU-P symbol. Most of the bottling plants servicing these markets will designate the Passover Coke items with a distinctive yellow cap in addition to the OU-P symbol on the cap or shoulder of the bottle.

Chicago Coke fans need not worry — this year, the Chicago Rabbinical Council is having Passover Coke made with the cRc P-09 logo on the cap using local bottlers. cRc also has Passover Coke in cans, which is nearly impossible to find anywhere else in the country.

If you live in Cleveland, I also heard this recently from one of our readers:

“As an employee of the Cleveland Coca-Cola Bottling Company I can confirm that the plant does use sugar cane as a sweetener year round. Cleveland Coca-Cola is the exclusive Coke supplier of all of Cuyahoga County, however, not everything available in Cuyahoga County is actually produced in Cleveland. Look at the label and check the ingredients for “Sucrose.””

In addition to Coke and Pepsi products made with real sugar, you should also be able to find nationally Dr. Brown’s, perhaps the best black cherry soda on the planet in Kosher for Passover form. And to further improve your Passover Coke, hit it with a shot of Passover formulated Fox’s U-Bet chocolate syrup.

For more on Passover Coke, be sure to listen to this interesting NPR broadcast from 2004.

For more on Mexican Coke, KFP Coke’s south of the border cousin, have a look at what Kate at Accidental Hedonist has to say.

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136 Responses to Kosher for Passover Coke: It’s the Real Thing Baby

  1. fiat lux says:

    No Pesach soda in SF, but at least we can get some of the bottled Coke from Mexico at our local taqueria.

  2. Thanks for the info! I am a Coca-Cola lover (though I rarely drink more than one every week or two) and I consider it my goal in life to acquire some of this elusive Pesach Coke someday. I’m in San Diego, so we’re not getting any. But am I understanding correctly that Mexican Coke is the same thing? I’m pretty close to Mexico! :)

    Chag Sameach!

  3. Melissa says:

    Ya’ll come on down to the home of CocaCola! The town is presently awash with all types of Kosher for Passover Coke products!

  4. Shiksa says:

    Passover’s over but there’s still ample Kosher for Passover Coke over here on the northern end of Silicon Valley, Real Coke fans. Albertson’s in Los Altos decided to go big in the Kosher for Passover effort and perhaps it wasn’t known widely. So, even on the day after Passover ended, I was able to purchase several liters.

  5. eathelin says:

    beautiful online information center. greatest work… thanks

  6. Ron Bowling Jr. says:

    Do the Albertson’s stores here in Pensacola Florida sell Kosher for passover Coke?

  7. hat says:

    I felt good about this post. It confirmed for me some of the things I’ve been thinking about.

  8. […] other Pesach-related minutiae of food ingredients, I found this thorough blog post about why non-Jews should be excited Passover is coming up. Well, at least if they are folks […]

  9. Double0 says:

    Sorry to say I have not seen Kosher for Passover UBet this year or last year (Northern NJ).

  10. I saw U-Bet yesterday at Pathmark in Bergenfield and Fort Lee. Also at Shoprite in Englewood and Leonia. Its around, you need to go to the hardcore Jewish areas.

  11. Jon says:

    Also, the KFP U-Bet probably won’t be stocked with the normal stuff. It will probably only be in the Passover foods section. Unlike the KFP soda, which will probably be mixed in right with the other soda.

  12. KFP Cokes bought at Englewood Shop Rite today. :)

  13. Jon: Correct, it was in the Kosher for Passover specific aisle.

  14. Harry says:

    One of the many perks of living in Israel is Coke with sugar every day of the year! However, no U-Bet. I’ll have to get my parents on top of that….

  15. […] Get your Passover Coke, kids. It’s, like rare and stuff. I’ll be buying up all the Cali supplies and eBaying them off to you East Coast Hymietown suckas. Read more here. […]

  16. […] passover coca-cola made with real sugar instead of disgusting HFCS (tags: passover jewish cocacola coke sugar food health hfcs) […]

  17. When I lived in Saudi Arabia growing up they outlawed Coke and we only had Pepsi. Sweet, fortified and cloying (and delicious) Pepsi. I believe this was one of the reasons why – or Coke had a corporate presence in Israel (perhaps?).

    Never knew why, really. So stupid.

  18. […] Kosher for Passover Coke: Its the Real Thing Baby It’s that time of the year again folks — Passover season approaches, and with that comes the annual stocking of the […] […]

  19. sketching says:

    Coke with cane sugar so much better than HFCS. I remember when I went on vacation to mexico drinking it. There are some small stores in the states that sell it but it is rather expensive. :(

  20. Anda Marceni says:

    Religion shows its divisive nature again. Observers of some world religions have to change their diets in order to participate, even in circumstances where it causes stress and grief to obtain the necessary foodstuffs in a world that was not tailored to meet the high dietary standards of the gods.

    But I guess if they’re making kosher Coke, the nutritional standards aren’t all that high after all. So what was the point of outlawing those products in the first instance?

  21. Markk says:

    I thought that Coke reverted to “Classic” after the “New Coke” debacle?

  22. […] REALLY ARE GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE: Kosher Coke, made especially for Passover, is now available for a limited […]

  23. […] American Diaspora, these days you can get a taste of “authentic” Coca-Cola now that the yellow-capped Kosher for Passover Coke–made with sugar and not HFCS–has hit supermarket shelves.  It’s also a taste of […]

  24. Markk: it is “Classic” in that the flavoring formulation is approximately the same. But it uses HFCS as the sweetner, which makes all the difference in the world from the Cane Sugar they used prior to 1985.

  25. And yet ANOTHER reason to hate High Fructose Corn Syrup!

  26. Rich says:

    Kosher Coca-Cola is awesome.

  27. Ruby K says:

    For anyone in metro areas with large Mexican populations, glass bottle pepsi or coke will be made with real sugar. I love it. So when pesach comes around, there’s a mainstream source, but any real mexican restaurant will have it. For you New Yorkers, there’s one spot in el barrio, lex in the high 90s (though i can’t remember the name off the top of my head). Good veggie options for those who eat out, and of course, the sweet delicious real sugar pepsi.

  28. danP says:

    I’ll assume that Boylan’s Sugar Cane Cola is made with actual sugar….tastes a lot better than coke, pepsi, or pretty much anything cola-wise. C12-H2-O11 must be the reason

  29. Rattling the Kettle says:

    Passover is about WINE. Forget that coke crap. Pop open another bottle of the good stuff!

  30. Melissa says:

    After Longterm Arab Boycott, Coke Now the Target of Zionist Group’s Protest

  31. Boylan’s Cane Cola most definitely is made with sugar cane, as are all their drinks. However Cane Cola is a pretty rare find, most restaurants that carry Boylans do not carry the cane cola, and I have never seen it at a beverage store or a supermarket. I think I saw it at Costco for a promotion, just once.

  32. stufforama says:

    Is the HFCS free Coke available in the UK? You don’t have to Jewish to appreciate your Coke free of crap like Corn Syrup!

  33. Arem says:

    Wow. Extremely interesting. I’d pay money for some of that stuff. I know you can get Cheerwine in the bottle with real sugar- and it is MUCH better.

  34. […] Passover starts April 3 this year, so Kosher for Passover Coke is back for a limited time. No corn syrup. You can find a fun and informative post about Passover Coke at Off the Broiler. […]

  35. […] I the only one that likes regular Coke better? It seems that everyone is lovin’ the Pesach […]

  36. Wow…I didn’t know that about Coke. But heck I was about six then…lol.

  37. Maryland Man says:

    Things to think about:
    1) 1985 “New Coke” replaces the original Coke (sugar)… New Coke is not popular (intentional?)… Original Coke is “reintrouded” but with HFCS. Why? PROFIT… “New Coke” was meant to be a dog and it was a brilliant marketing ploy; consumers would have been very upset if switched cold turkey to the HFCS version.
    2) Is HFCS good for you? Better than sugar? Easily digested? Read about it and then look and see where it is used and how much people consume… and how big americans are.
    3) Why is sugar so expensive? Tarifs?… Sugar could be a lot cheaper but thats Uncle Sam at work.

  38. contact me and ill get u some passover coke ;)

  39. […] — made with sucrose (from beets and cane) instead of evil, evil High Fructose Corn Syrup — is once again available in select markets. Look for the yellow cap and stock up! Something tells me Harrisburg isn’t one […]

  40. […] wait until I can have awesome non high fructose corn syrup soda this Passover. Dr Pepper fans in Texas can get into it all year, thanks to the mythical cane sugar […]

  41. Melissa says:

    “We believe that the appeal of Mexican Coke is as much about nostalgia as it is about anything,” says Martin. “It’s like getting a piece of home in a bottle. You can’t deny the fact that it’s in a tall glass bottle, something you just can’t find in most parts of the United States.”Santa Cruz Sentinel

    Didn’t we just say that the Baby Boomers would love the Kosher for Passover Coke?

  42. DotMySpot says:

    That’s a HUGE bottle @@”

  43. Rebecca263 says:

    Hey, Jason! You know I’m having my shoppers pick me up some of the annual NJ output of KFP Coca Cola! But, here, we are very sad, because #1 boy is not here to imbibe with us.
    What’s in the works or a website????

  44. rony says:

    You can Find Kosher for Passover Coka Cola regular and diet in Tel Aviv Kosher Market on 2495 Irving st. San Francisco ,CA 415-661-7588

  45. […] Sometimes even Americans can have sugar in their Coke instead of corn syrup. Thank Passover, and look for the yellow lid. […]

  46. tim says:

    I bought 20 2-liters yesterday, leaving several pallets of 2liter bottles kosher for passover at Giant Eagle in Squirrel Hill, PA (Pittsburgh PA area). Ingredient label clearly says Sucrose only (not HFCS). Signs all over the pallets saying their Kosher for Passover coke & diet coke have white caps this year.

    Tons of other Kosher for Passover sodas and items across the street at Murray Ave Kosher in Squirrel Hill PA (sold at a price premium–likely imported from other bottler regions)

    six packs of 12oz cans seem to be available every year in Cleveland OH area grocery stores run by Heinens.. I picked up several cases of 12oz cans last year (on endcaps with other Kosher for Passover items, with OU-P stamped in the top of the can)

    I also found 2liters (yellow caps) at Ralph’s in downtown San Diego Ca last week mixed with red cap bottles.

    The 2liters have 90 day shelf life from date of production, the cans have a whopping 9 months. I can tell the taste/quality difference roughly a third to halfway through the stamped use by date.

    The 2liters will last me a month or two, and then I’ll drink cans until the higher quality taste from the real sugar gets countered out by the lower quality taste because of the age. That means by mid summer I’ll be stuck drinking HFCS coke again unless I want to pay the huge price for Mexican coke in longnecks.

  47. intangible says:

    Don’t forget, Dr. Pepper still has one factory churning out sugar soda (no HFCS): Buy it here:

  48. oopsy says:

    I live in NYC and I can’t find trace DNA of the stuff…

    if anyone knows where to find it or wants to create an rss feed
    ( “feed” get it?) for kosher coke sightings that would make the world

  49. tim says:

    I found this in Pittsburgh and Cleveland by calling the 800# on the coke packaging, and asking where to find them. The representatives had no idea but gave me the phone # of the local bottler. The local bottlers couldn’t sell to me but could tell me where and when they delievered it to.

  50. sarah says:

    hey somebody was all like oh mexican coke is the same .. blah blah its not ok its disgusting… american pesach coke and israeli pesach coke are the best!!!! for those of u in san deigo go to the pico area of los angelos…any kosher super market or ralphs should have it! ok yw.. goodluck.

  51. keely says:

    Hooray- my special order (2 cases of 2 litre bottles) arrived at my local grocery today. I have 1 of the bottles in the fridge and am making a game of seeing how long I can wait before I open it. It has the “crc” in a triangle on the cap. Also absent on the labels is the traditional high-fructose ingredient. I would have ordered 4 cases but didn’t want to get greedy. I paid $26.00 for 16 two litres – I would have paid twice that or more as I have not had Coke made with SUGAR for 20+ years.

  52. chick says:

    I had no idea! I doubt we’ll ever get any here (I’m in the south) but just to keep in the back of my mind… I guess I’ll have to keep drinking regular soft drinks with my chocolate-covered matzoh! (That’s not a joke, I was beyond thrilled to see it on the shelf this year after more than a decade without it since moving down here!)

  53. […] get to drink Coke made with sugar, as God intended, and not that wicked high fructose corn syrup that Pharoah (aka “The […]

  54. tim says:

    big news:

    today I learned that plant CD (Cleveland OH Coca Cola) has been producing 100% Sucrose only Coca Cola & Cherry Coke for at least two months based on the shelf dates. I’m not sure if it’s part of a test market or what, but I’m LOVING IT!!! I bought a bunch and it all tastes clean and crisp, no HFCS aftertaste.

    On a side note, my personal belief is that “Kosher for passover” coke contains more than just a sweetner change.

    Apparently there was a new law passed that prohibited “contains and/or”, so now the packages have to be clear on what is used as the sweetener.

    Mayfield Heights area stores:
    1) costco: 12oz cases of cans
    2) giant eagle: 12oz can 6pks, fridge packs, 2L
    3) heinens: 12oz fridge packs, 10oz GLASS 6pks, 16.9oz/20oz/2L plastic
    4) walmart: 12oz fridge packs, 16.9oz/20oz/2L bottles

    this is in addition to the Kosher product that’s selling at store #2 & #3 (Kosher for Passover stamped 12oz cans made in “KE” (new york state)

  55. Lily says:

    Hi. Has anyone found any of the Coke in Chicagoland? I have checked a couple of Jewells
    and smaller grocery stores with no luck.

  56. Denise says:

    I found some yesterday at the big Albertson’s on
    Sloat Avenue in San Francisco! Two liter bottles with the yellow cap!

    It does taste slightly crisper and less sweet than the high fructose corn syrup coke; but I’m sure I would never have noticed the difference if someone hadn’t told me this was the original formula.

  57. John says:

    For readers in the Los Angeles area, Gelson’s ( has 2 liter bottles of KFP Coca-Cola Classic and Diet Coke on sale. They also have KFP Fox’s U-Bet as well.

  58. Chris says:

    I wonder how it tastes like

  59. […] Brown’s black cherry soda. (Based on previous experiences, I think I will have to pass on the pesachdik […]

  60. […] The World of Coca-Cola With everyone presumably enjoying their KFP Coca-C0la this week, I thought I would give everyone a little tour of the World of Coca-Cola, the musuem […]

  61. Kevin T. says:

    After some searching, I found Kosher sodas at PathMark in Gillette, NJ and Super Stop & Shop in Berkeley Heights, NJ today. Mixed in with the regular sodas, they have Kosher Coke (yellow cap) and also Kosher PEPSI (white cap, instead of the usual dark blue cap), in 2-liter bottles. I also found Kosher Diet Coke, Kosher Caffeine Free Diet Coke, and Kosher Sprite Zero, all with yellow caps, although this is just a difference in packaging because they have all the same ingredients as the regular version of each.

    Kosher Coke in 12-ounce cans seems much more elusive — so far I have only found it at the aforementioned Englewood, NJ Shop-Rite. You have to look closely at the top of the can to see “(U)-P” and some Hebrew writing, as well as sucrose in the ingredients. (Kosher Pepsi says “sugar” instead of “sucrose”.)

  62. […] Since a number have people have asked me about it in the last few weeks, this is just a reminder to pick up your Passover Coke now. Remember — you’re looking for the yellow cap and the U-P symbols. […]

  63. Opie's Dad says:

    I was in Nicaragua last fall and bought 3 cases (24 ea) of glass bottle cokes from the local distrubuter. They were 1.5 liter and I paid a refundable deposit on the bottles. The converted price was about 45 cents US each plus deposit. Opie & I downed nearly all 3 cases in the 2 weeks as we kept them in a cold “ref-re-a-da-dor” (fridge) because it was very hot weather. I brought back the remaining bottles in my checked baggage, padded, and they all survived! The ingredients say SUGAR in Spanish. We drink glass bottle cokes here often enough to taste a big difference and have done blind taste test with friends and family. We used purified ice, cold bottle cokes with Sugar & HFCS and a rinse of purified water between taste. EVERYONE – to a person – can taste a difference and all prefer the sugar! Nearly half of the people were very sceptical, and said it was in our heads. They said “I remember that taste”, and “WOW, that IS better!”. Now they hate that we have ruined US Coke for them! SO there IS a difference. Viva la AZUGAR!

  64. koz1000 says:

    Jewel in Chicagoland now has kosher coke in stock, in one store it was in the middle of the large rack of 2L bottles with a sign indicating the white caps were the passover formula. In a second store I visited, it was a tall rack of 2L bottles next to an endcap full of passover products. Depends on the neighborhood I guess. The first store also had 6-packs of 12oz bottles, something I hadn’t seen before.

    The best part: the 2L bottles were on sale, 8 for $10.

  65. […] Jewish, and need that special something for your Passover Seder meal, nothing is more classy than kosher Coca-Cola! Actually, I can think of many things more classy, but I digress.  It’s available for a […]

  66. Anne M. Foley says:

    Has anyone found Knsher coke this month in the Quincy, MA (south of Boston) area?

  67. […] and days of reckoning so often emphasized in organized religion. Does anyone know where in Denver kosher Coca-cola can be […]

  68. Eureka! says:

    I found (after scouring the whole county) yellow cap passover coke in Naples, FLorida at Albertson’s. The cokes were hidden under a passover food display!!! guess The Coca-Cola company does not want us goys from finding out about the real thing!

  69. Where can I find “Passover Coke”? I live in the Princeton, NJ area. I grew up in the West Indies (English speaking Caribbean) where Coke is still made the “proper” way and I really miss it.

  70. Toan Ho says:

    In Austin Texas. UOP Coke is available at HEB on Far West Blvd off of Mopac! It is currently 4 for $5. Cheaper than the bottle of Mexican Coke also available there. The listed sweetner is sucrose instead of HFCS. UOP is printed on a plain white bottle cap. There is no 2 liter bottle HFCS Coke available there at this time.

  71. mariannauke says:

    personally, i live in nigeria, and we have coke in nice glass bottles, all sugar, no kidding,. its bliss in a bottle!! theres coke in plastic bottles with the hich fructose crap, and its just not the same! nothing beats ice cold coca cola in a glass bottle, with real sugar!!!!!!!!!!

  72. Donna says:

    I live here in Toronto, Canada and bought some coke yesterday. I knew it tasted it different but still had one glass. I don’t like it. It’s the KFP coke. I have never heard of this before till today. Decided to look it up and came across this article. I’m glad so many enjoy it. I don’t.

  73. […] From Off the Broiler. Read more bits about aspartame, coca cola, coke, high fructose corn syrup, kosher, passover, […]

  74. […] Costco recently imported some small batches, and people got excited. There is a strong demand for Passover Coke, which is also made with sugar instead of nasty corn syrup. Why doesn’t Coca-Cola produce […]

  75. […] the US isn’t actually made with sugar, but rather a corn syrup substitute is used. Only the yellow-cap certified-kosher Coke and the ‘inferior’ Mexican made Coke actually use real cane sugar, and people who […]

  76. Kevin Greybill says:

    There is a difference. I just returned from a one month trip to Germany and when I bought a coke in Stuttgart, it was a coke! The fizz was incredible as I took my first sip. Exactly the way I remembered it when I was a kid. I found out from the locals that their coke is made with real sugar. Shame on Coke for serving up the HFCS crap they now produce in the United States. I believe that was a big reason a lot of folks started drinking bottled water. On another note, the Gummi Bears you buy in Germany are also made with real sugar. For those doubters, buy an American Gummi Bear and taste test it against a Gummi Bear made with real sugar. My wish list from relatives is full for the next time I travel to Germany.

  77. […] was a couple posts on Digg a few weeks ago talking about Passover Coke and Mexican Coca Cola spotted at Costco and everyone raves about them. The reason why there’s […]

  78. powersatellitetv says:

    Down here in Texas we call HFCS “fat fertilizers”. HFCS is also found in a lot of other foods besides Coca Cola… like beef jerky, amongst other things. MSG, HFCS, they’re all chametz, and really not good for you ANY time of the year.

    To get the azucar caña Coca-Cola, we’ve got to import ours from across the border in Mexico. When we run out, we perish. So… I stock up with several cases of the “Mexican Coke” in my cooler, and I’m never out! Year round! Ole!

    Another thing all the “diet” drinkers should know… HFCS is in just about all the diet drinks, and while they may not have the calories from old fashioned sugar, they’re not really drinking a diet drink at all. The fat fertilizer in diet drinks MAKES people fat, not skinny. I understand that the HFCS (and MSG) desensitizes the “hungry nerves” in the digestive system to make us feel like we’re still hungry; therefore making us eat more.

    It’s either a gimmick or a conspiracy! Oy!

    Ernest O’Dell
    Power Satellite TV and
    The Blanco Republic

  79. […] Passover Coke. Who knew? “According to Jewish law, nothing made with chametz (any of a number of proscribed cereals and grains, including corn) during passover may be consumed — so in order not to lose sales from observant Jews during that eight day period, a small number of Coca-Cola bottlers make a limited batch of the original Coke formulation, using refined sugar.” [More] […]

  80. Rich says:

    To whoever was asking about Coke in the UK — I have *never* seen HFCS in the European stuff. (Germany, Spain, UK.) Are you sure that’s what yours says? (Troubling….) There’s a British import store that carries the UK version and it definitely says “sugar” on the label, not HFCS.

  81. […] It’s pretty rare to hear someone mention a foie gras and beef burger without bringing up Daniel’s db burger. See, I just did it, too. But L’Atelier has a foie gras and beef burger on their menu as well, and it is pretty unique. Le Burger is arguably more about the foie gras than the beef. It’s incredibly juicy, making one wonder whether it’s the foie gras or the ground chuck that is more responsible for the stream of juices that will inevitably run down your hand. Adam and I both dislike bell peppers very much, and frankly their addition in this dish seemed out of place. But the small brioche buns are very nice, soft and slightly sweet. The dish also comes with a small cup of crinkle cut french fries and house-made ketchup with a very sweet and distinct flavor which comes from the addition of ginseng. Adam and I didn’t particularly like the sweet ketchup; but our friend did proclaim it the best thing since kosher Coke. […]

  82. Cleveland Rocks says:

    Coke still sells real sugar stuff in Cleveland, Ohio and Allentown, PA *and in cans as well*

  83. Norma Mineard says:

    One day I asked the Coke salesman (in 2006) why there was no real coke available in glass bottles, he didn’t know what I was talking about, evidently he didn’t know much about coke history. I asked him for real coke and he thought I was nuts. He didn’t know anything about the sugar change in the ’70’s. (southern Wisconsin salesman) This isn’t a Jewish area in the rural countryside so may not find it at all.

  84. Ambush says:

    In Australia, all softdrink (soda) is made with sucrose. Corn syrup? I think you’ll find that in imitation maple syrup, but you’d be hard-pressed to find it anywhere else.

  85. […] my first robin of the season last week.  But some say the real harbinger of spring is the bloom of yellow caps on bottles of kosher-for-Passover Coke and Diet Coke.  Keep your eyes peeled! […]

  86. […] a bit jealous that we don’t get this around here.  I would love to get my hands on some Coke made with cane sugar!  Everyone […]

  87. toby says:

    Kosher Cola: “Israel thing”

  88. Jenn says:

    Will someone please tell me when in the Chicago-land area that I can find the Passover Coke?

    • Elisabeth M. says:

      The Jewel on Howard. It’s in a largely observant Jewish area- and I’ve seen it stocked there around Passover.

  89. Bernie says:

    Pepsi made with sugar is avaliable at Wegmans Stores in Wilkes-Barre PA as of 3/21/08 in a designated section for Passover.

  90. Jerry says:

    Kosher coke is available in Columbus and Cinncinati, OH. right now. It has a WHITE cap this year. look for it at Krogers or other stores in the area.

    I want to know more about this Coke in cleveland, OH. Is there a website you can order it from?

  91. Oz says:

    Kosher coke at Ralphs in Palm Springs on Sunrise Way for all the Socal people not near LA.
    After I was done they still had plenty.

  92. BELINDA says:


  93. Mike says:

    If you’re looking for Passover Coke (and Pepsi) in the Detroit, MI, area, try Hiller’s Market at 14 Mile and Haggerty Rd in Commerce Township. They had a ton of the stuff as of 4/2; I made off with ten bottles for my annual stash. ;-)

  94. George says:

    Kosher Coke is on the shelves in the Los Angeles area.

    I dropped by one Ralph’s whose staff didn’t seem to grasp the difference between the red and yellow capped bottles – they were all mixed together. That was made up for by a promotion to “buy 2, get 3 free” with their club card!

    I’ve noticed that the two litre bottles last a LONG time if stored on their side in the refrigerator. I guess having the soda filling the neck helps reduce the loss of carbonation, as does keeping them cold. If you’ve got the fridge space and can’t get the canned variety – keep it cold!

  95. Jim says:

    Where do we find this stuff in Houston? Can’t find it at Kroger, Randalls, HEB. Not at Wal*Mart or Costco either.

  96. Tom says:

    I have several Publixes (Publii?) within a few miles of me (Ft. Lauderdale), and they all seem to have a few here and there, so I thought I would have to run around grabbing what I could get…then I hit the mother lode at the smallest one. I’ve given away 4 to friends, drank 1, and I’ve got 20 stacked up in the closet. Which makes me very interested in exactly how long these puppies will stay good….

  97. Deputy Dog says:


    I’ve been looking in Chicago as well. Finally, after all these years of looking, I finally found Passover Coke. I picked up 20 six-packs and 20 2-liters last night at Hungarian Kosher Foods in Skokie.
    6-packs are 4 for $10, 2-liters are 4 for $5.

    I also found Mexican coke at Pete’s Fresh Market just south on Pulaski off of I-55. The bottles are nice, but the sticker they put on it says “High Fructose, Corn Syrup and/or Sugar”. I think they were $1.29 a bottle.

    Good luck!

  98. RickyRoma says:

    HEB doesn’t carry it? Oh, the irony… :)

    I’m in Connecticut and it’s easy to find in 2L bottle form.. However, anyone know where to find it in cans? That’s the best way to stockpile IMHO..

    Another place to get sugar coke: International flights on airlines other than US carriers. I flew South African Airways back from Johannesburg, and managed to grab a few Cokes from off the plane from the in-flight service.

  99. […] sugar, so it is slightly healthier, but there was a bitter aftertaste. So imagine my delight when Kosher-for-Passover Coke was sitting right there on the endcap at Publix yesterday, its bright yellow cap with Hebrew […]

  100. […] Regardless, there’s a good story about it from about a year ago in the New York Post here. Another blog story here. […]

  101. Kev says:

    Just got back from Wegman’s in Pittsford and they got a ton of 2 liter bottles. The have the yellow cap and were on sale 3 for 3 bucks, so I bought 3.

  102. […] those without access to a Costco, there’s also the option of stocking up on Passover Coke, the HFCS-free Coca-cola that’s sold around April due to corn not being kosher for Passover. […]

  103. […] Kosher for Passover Coke: Its the Real Thing Baby « Off The Broiler […]

  104. herbigidea says:

    Interesting article. I’m not Jewish but I’m very interested in limiting/removing HFCS from my family’s diet. That stuff is terrible for you and it’s in EVERYTHING! I was buying canned tomato and most of them had HFCS. Luckily I found a brand that had just plain sugar.

  105. […] There is coke here with proper sugar now because of Passover […]

  106. The hype is that Kosher for Passover “KP” by dietary law is sweetened with sugar cane. So once a year for 5 or 6 weeks you can buy Coke and Pepsi products made with sugar cane. For those of us who are not able to find sugar cane soda pop affordable or easily, we get all excited.

  107. […] Every late March and early April, for the two to three weeks leading up to the celebration of the Jewish Passover holiday season in the United States, Coke fans living in major metropolitan areas with large Jewish populations get their Real Thing, if only for that brief fleeting period. According to Jewish law, nothing made with chametz (any of a number of proscribed cereals and grains, including corn) during passover may be consumed — so in order not to lose sales from observant Jews during that eight day period, a small number of Coca-Cola bottlers make a limited batch of the original Coke formulation, using refined sugar. Needless to say, stocks run out quickly and fans of Passover Coke have been known to travel many miles seeking out supermarkets with remaining caches. … Kosher for Passover Coke: Its the Real Thing Baby […]

  108. Bill says:

    Theres some kosher coca-cola on ebay right now going for $1.89 + shipping!

  109. if you want to buy coca cola from Israel you can just go to BuyInIsrael –

  110. seregaborzov says:

    greatest work… thanks!!!

  111. […] It’s pretty rare to hear someone mention a foie gras and beef burger without bringing up Daniel’s db burger. See, I just did it, too. But L’Atelier has a foie gras and beef burger on their menu as well, and it is pretty unique. Le Burger is arguably more about the foie gras than the beef. It’s incredibly juicy, making one wonder whether it’s the foie gras or the ground chuck that is more responsible for the stream of juices that will inevitably run down your hand. Aaron and I both dislike bell peppers very much, and frankly their addition in this dish seemed out of place. But the small brioche buns are very nice, soft and slightly sweet. The dish also comes with a small cup of crinkle cut french fries and house-made ketchup with a very sweet and distinct flavor which comes from the addition of ginseng. Aaron and I didn’t particularly like the sweet ketchup; but our friend did proclaim it the best thing since kosher Coke. […]

  112. […] Passover starts at sundown, April 2 this year, so Kosher for Passover Coke is back for a limited time. No corn syrup. You can find a fun and informative post about Passover Coke at Off the Broiler. […]

  113. chiffonade says:

    Jason – thanks so much for this info. I wish the fact that kosher products do not use HFCS was more widely known! I didn’t know that non-HFCS products were available during Jewish holidays or I’d have been buying them all along.


  114. CyberTootie says:

    As an employee of the Cleveland Coca-Cola Bottling Company I can confirm that the plant does use sugar cane as a sweetener year round. Cleveland Coca-Cola is the exclusive Coke supplier of all of Cuyahoga County, however, not everything available in Cuyahoga County is actually produced in Cleveland. Look at the label and check the ingredients for “Sucrose.”

  115. Gourmet Mama says:

    I had no idea there was a Passover Coke. I live in Guatemala, so maybe the soft drinks here are made with sugar . . . I`ll have to take a look.

  116. […] Have you seen the new ads for high fructose corn syrup?  I thought they were very interesting as they have one person saying to another, “What exactly is wrong with hfcs?” And the other person is like, “Gee, I don’t know.  I’ve just heard it is bad for you.”  Well, for anyone interested in reducing the amount of hfcs from his or her diet and enjoys a good old fashioned coke, they are available for a limited time due to Passover.  For more information, check them out here: […]

  117. […] is also the season when New Yorkers, Jewish and otherwise, go on their annual hunt for kosher Coke hunts. Normally it’s made with that lovely invention, high fructose corn syrup, but right […]

  118. […] Kosher for Passover Coke: It’s the Real Thing Baby It’s that time of the year again folks — Passover season approaches, and with that comes the annual stocking of the […] […]

  119. Lifemagician says:

    Surely anything which discourages people from drinking Coca-Cola, has to be a good thing!

  120. […] time a year, the blogosphere comes alive with posts, like this one, about where to find kosher Coke. The Coca-Cola company puts out a limited run of Coke made with […]

  121. […] the way, the perfect beverage for this burger is of course Passover Coke.  The local Genuardi’s supply was waning considerably the other day…load up while you […]

  122. steve says:

    Royal Crown Draft Cola is made with sugar cane. Royal Crown diet is made with Splenda, which is derived from sugar.

  123. BillyCheef says:

    I just bought two cases of Coke when I was in Cleveland. Walked into a random grocery store and sure enough, Sucrose not HFCS on the label. It’s the real thing…for real this time.
    Great old American city too. The restaurants are fantastic!

  124. […] for the presence of “sucrose” and you are golden. Coke does switch their formula to real sugar once a year (look for the yellow cap) for the Jewish holiday of Passover as observant Jews can’t eat […]

  125. […] for Piña soda to go mainstream).  Apparently there are also certain bottlers that will produce a special variant of Coca-Cola during the passover season; you’re supposed to look for the yellow caps and the […]

  126. Judy Clarke says:

    It bothers me that coke manufacturers won’t cater to the needs of coke lovers everywhere when they continue to use corn syrup rather than sugar. How much cheaper can they go? In my opinion, I’d rather have the praises of my customers than a few more cents’ profit. Maybe if we, the customers, just don’t buy Coca Cola anymore until they put the real sugar back, they would listen!!

  127. DANIELLE says:


  128. Dawn says:

    Where can I find the Passover Coke in Fort Worth, Texas?

  129. Andy says:

    Since it’s the corn syrup that is not kosher for passover, where does Diet Coke fit in? It never has sugar or corn syrup.

    • Diet Coke also has to be certified because it has to be ensured that the mixing/dispensing equipment which may also be used for dispensing the regular soda does not come in contact with the flavoring package/syrup that has HFCS. When they do production runs the equipment has to be thoroughly cleaned and inspected by a rabbi/certification expert.

      From a taste perspective there is no difference between Kosher for Passover Diet Coke and regular diet coke. This is strictly to satisfy the religious authorities for Passover (OU, etc).

  130. […] to Joanne for picking up a precious bottle of Passover Coke for me. Arnie took possession of it at the Caroline Glick lecture last night (his video) and today […]

  131. […] loved this song. What else? Seder, of course, Matzah, and Real-Sugar-Coke. The terrific scene in Piers Plowman when Easter bells wake the dreamer from his great sixth dream […]

  132. thesaifseye says:

    Wishing you a happy Passover.
    You can take a look at this passover message: on this celebration. Very unique one.

  133. […] labels for the presence of “sucrose” and you are golden. Coke does switch their formula to real sugar once a year (look for the yellow cap) for the Jewish holiday of Passover (observant Jews can’t eat corn, […]

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